"be brief and tell us everything."

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Watched Michael Phelps Win 874 Gold Metals.

"So this is the New Year and I don't feel any different." (Oh come on! I had to do it. For old times sake.) At the beginning of the 2008, goals were made, then met or missed.

I wanted to be one year closer to being an RN-check! Another ambition was to be speaking Spanish with Benicio Del Toro. I did pass my Spanish class but as far as meeting Benicio Del Toro, he hasn't replied to any of my emails. Learn to play the piano was next and I have been taking piano lessons for a year now. (That shiz is hard!) For some reason, learning to knit made the cut and I accomplished this completely un-sexy goal thanks to youtube. I wished upon a star for a new Death Cab album and my wish came true. I wanted to be engaged by now, but I'm not and I'm completely ok with that. I'm still in love with my best friend who I can see and talk to almost everyday and that is good enough for me, for now. I'm excited for what the future holds, but know that God's timing is more important then ours. No ½ marathon was ran, but I did participate in a triathlon. (Ok, so it rained and we only did the swim and run portion but it's about the journey, not the destination, right?)

Oh 2008. You broke my heart, made me laugh and proved me wrong. At the beginning of our time together, Brandon went to Australia. That's right, as in crocodiles and kangaroos Australia. Did I mention New Zealand? Yeah, he went there too. I went to Belize in March on my first of many, many nursing mission trips. Mr. 2008, you were filled with surprises including the birth of my first (adopted) nephew Liam Aaron Kackley and the untimely and unfair death of my sweet, easy going, comical (but slightly hard of hearing) grandma Betty. I went to my favorite place on earth: Chicago. (If that city were a man, it would be Hugh Jackman.) I saw My Morning Jacket at the Uptown, which reminded me what music is suppose to sound like. I fell in love with Kings of Leon and Silversun Pickups and watched Michael Phelps win 874 gold medals during the Olympics. In November, history was made as Barack Obama was elected as our next president. (Despite my vote for the Ron Paul Revolution.) But everything must come to an end and I have met someone else. (Ok, this is a little creepy but give it a chance.)

2009 can offer me so much more than 2008 can now. For instance, I want to listen to every single song on my ipod. (Good goal Brit-aim high!) We aren't talking about a simple shuffle here people. We are talking roughly 4,034 songs. That's 11 days, 13 hours, 49 minutes and 23 seconds of music. (As of now.) This includes everything from All Time Quarter Back to Zwan. In 2009, everytime I see a Salvation Army bell ringer during Christmas, I want to give them change. I want to run a ½ marathon. (Yes, this is a repeat goal.) I want to have ONE SEMESTER LEFT of nursing school at the end of 2009. I want to write a novel, or at least take a respectable and giant step towards writing one. I want to constantly be in the will of God and reflect his love, tenderness and attitude.

2008, I'm moving on and getting over you. I'm throwing away your pictures and giving you back the t-shirts you let me borrow. (Except for that blue "Colorado Springs" one: It fits me like a glove!) I'm diving head first into the arms of 2009 and not looking back.

I suggest you reader, to do the same.

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