If I had three wishes one of them would be to travel the world with a blink of an eye. Want to be in an Irish pub drinking a pint with the red-headed-full-bearded natives? BAM! You’re there. Wish to be in center of it all in Tokyo? Just close your eyes and feel the sea of people rushing past you and hear the taxi horns honking. Are you out of town on business and all you want is to sleep in your own king sized bed with your goose-feathered pillow? With this wish you can skip the whole commute home! Twinkle your nose and your standing in the middle of Madison Square garden in 1973 watching Zeppelin in their ninth North American tour. Did I mention this wish surpasses time and space?
But as your wishes are granted you can’t go back and change the past. (Right, Lost?!) So no crazy ideas like “I would go back in time and kill Hitler!” or “I would cast a love spell on Paul Newman circa 1967 and we would fall madly in love and have lots of babies” and certainly no “I would discover America and name the country after me!” Although awesome (especially the idea about naming America after yourself) it can’t happen. Sure you can attend these historic events (that’s kind of the point) but you can’t change history. So attend Christ’s’ execution, witness Leonardo Da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa or hop on board the Titanic. (Heads up: be sure to get on a lifeboat.) But you can’t suggest to Abe Lincoln: “Look I’ve heard that play sucks. You should just stay home tonight.”
That’s the rules. So, where would you go?

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