1. I know way too much about celebrity gossip (Did you know that Natalie Portman isn't even her real name?)
2. I played basketball my first semester in college.
3. My first kiss was when I was 18 years old.
4. As a child, I never believed in Santa Claus but believed in leprechauns so much so, that I built a trap to catch one. (Unfortunately I failed)
5. I only have one grandparent still living.
6. I'm writing a novel.
7. I want to play Veruca Salt in the stage production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory someday.

8. I take my coffee black.
9. I have 3 different journals that I write in frequently.
10. I have an unnatural fascination with quicksand. You can’t tell it’s there and you just start to sink and the more you struggle to get out the more you sink deeper and deeper-It’s just weird.
11. I am in nursing school and want to spend the rest of my life working with sick babies.
12. I bet I can run farther than you.
13. I want to be a guest on a late night television show.
14. I like Kate Winslet.
15. I do not like Kate Hudson.
16. I hold the second place school record at my high school for most goals scored during a career on the soccer team.
17. I wish Brandon could grow a beard like Allen Epley. (But I love him just the way he is)
18. If I could have any job in the entire world, I would write movie and music reviews for Rolling Stone.
19. I still don’t fully understand how the moon affects the ocean’s tide.
20. Cottage cheese makes my butt twitch.
21. I would move to Chicago in a heartbeat.
22. My first job was at CiCis Pizza.
23. I can’t spell.
24. I HaTe WhEn PeOpLe TyPe LiKe ThIs.
25. I wouldn't mind if Dr. House gave ME a check up.

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