I am thankful for
my daughter.
Its funny how God knows what I need better than I do.

my job.
sure it can be stressful when your patient is internally bleeding with a blood pressure of 60/30, having to transfuse blood for the first time and placing a nasogastric tube all in your first month off orientation but I absolutely love what I do. I love it even more knowing this is exactly where I am suppose to be, for now. The prospect of helping people in this way (not just here but overseas) while being stretched and learning new things daily makes me excited this is what God called me to do for the rest of my life.
my husbands job. and my husband.
no longer being in school.
there is not one fiber of being that misses being a student. Every time I see students at work or hear one of those “get ahead; go back to school!” ads on TV my heart says a silent but sincere “thank you” that I never have to and probably never will.
my apartment.
small but mighty it is. I love our tiny place and everything in it.
my family.
and a dependable car. hummus. coffee sleeves. my health. the ability to walk and talk and think for myself and communicate with others. don draper. jacobs well. the chiefs not completely sucking this year. bed sheets. clothes. chipotle burritos. diapers. the means by which to buy these things. mew. colder weather. the library...etc…etc…
and consuming thousands of calories today without an once of guilt.